Hi All,
Hope everyone is enjoying fall and had a good conference (for those who attended)! I wanted to ask a question on how others may be preparing for the elimination of # in college for federal funds/federal methodology. It’s been noted by NASFAA and in webinars that in order to adjust for # in college it will need to be done via a PJ, on a case-by-case basis and the student/family must show a ‘hardship’ beyond just having more than 1 in college. For those who attended the PASFAA conference, the NASFAA representative had a long/confusing response to ‘can you define hardship’ for this scenario. My questions to get some conversation going….
-Has your school thought of a way for new incoming and/or returning students to request an adjustment for # in college? If so, what does that look like?
-Has your school thought about if this would be a reactive or proactive process? ie. – let the students request/come to you or perhaps invite them into the PJ process/make them aware of it proactively
-Has your school determined any type of documentation you may request for these situations? NASFAA has provided example of getting aid offers from the sibling’s school, and using the net price as the amount to adjust AGI. This seems bit cumbersome.
Appreciate any insights you are willing to share!
Nick Hinkle
Carnegie Mellon