2024-2025 Business Partner Sign-Up Step 2
Thank you once again for your interest in partnering with PASFAA! On this page, you will select your PASFAA Business Partner Options and payment information.
A La Carte items are “first come first served”.
When checking out:
Be sure to review your cart to confirm all the items you selected are included.
Any items no longer available will have been removed.*
Please scroll through the options listed to see which have “sold out” and which are still available to “add to cart”.
*The system may alert you to the unavailability of some items but not all. Reviewing your cart before checkout is very important to understand which items you selected were still available when you checked out and are included in your cart.
If you run into any technical difficulties, please contact Dan Wray, PASFAA Technology Committee Co-Chair, at daniel.wray@pheaa.org.
If you have any questions about the Business Partner Options, please contact Melony Ohalek, PASFAA Finance and Development Committee Co-Chair, at melony.ohalek@salliemae.com.
Please feel free to review these documents about partnering with PASFAA:
24-25 Business Partner Options_TIERS and Exhibiting_Comparison_and_Detailed_PASFAA
24-25 Business Partner Options_YEARLY_ A La Carte Sponsorship_Listing_and_Detailed_PASFAA
24-25 Business Partner Options_CONFERENCE_ A La Carte Sponsorship_ Listing_and Detailed_PASFAA
Payment must be received no later than close of business on Friday, August 30th, 2024.