2023-2024 Business Partners

PASFAA acknowledges the following business partners who continue to provide generous support of PASFAA activities throughout the 2023-2024 partnership year.

(Ending September 30, 2024)

Tier 1 Partners

Tier 2 Partners

PASFAA Thanks our Business Partners.

PASFAA Thanks our Business Partners.

PASFAA Thanks our Business Partners.

PASFAA Thanks our Business Partners.

PASFAA Thanks our Business Partners.

PASFAA Thanks our Business Partners.

PASFAA Thanks our Business Partners.

PASFAA Thanks our Business Partners.

PASFAA Thanks our Business Partners.

PASFAA Thanks our Business Partners.

Information for Prospective Business Partners

Thank you for considering a business partnership with PASFAA for the 2023-2024 partnership year, which begins October 1st, 2023.  Please review the documents linked on our Prospective Business Partners page for information about the attractive package of partnership options developed by the Finance and Development Committee. If you have any questions about these options, please contact the Finance and Development co-chair, Melony Ohalek, at melony.ohalek@salliemae.com.