2022-2023 Business Partner Sign-Up Contact Information
Prospective 2022-2023 PASFAA Business Partners
Thank you for your interest in partnering with PASFAA! If you have any questions about the partnership options or the sign-up process, please contact Melony Ohalek, PASFAA Finance and Development Committee Co-Chair, at melony.ohalek@salliemae.com
Please feel free to access the following documents to review the detailed information the Finance & Development Committee has provided regarding Sponsorship opportunities with PASFAA.
Edits have been made to the 2022-2023 sign-up process to ensure the payment method you select has no impact on the “time stamp” of your sponsorship selection. The following information is being provided to make the sign-up process as easy as possible by giving you a preview of what you can expect.
There are two different REQUIRED “submissions” to complete the sign-up process.
In STEP 1 below, be sure to click the “Add” button and then enter your institution’s contact information.
Clicking the “STEP 2” button creates the “time stamp” which will be used in determining the “order of submission” for each Business Partners.
In addition to submitting your info to be tracked, clicking the “STEP 2” button automatically redirects you to the additional information and steps required for you to COMPLETE your 2022-2023 selection.
Then all you need to do is:
Click “Add” for the partnership option you are selecting .
Re-enter your Institution name and email address.
“Submit” your selection.
Choose your payment option:
Enter credit card info when applicable.
Take note of the address to send check payments when paying by check.
That’s it folks! At that point you will have completed the sign-up process and will receive confirmation emails.
Thank you for your commitment to PASFAA demonstrated with the completion of the sponsorship sign-up form below!